The 4 essentials of better MSK care.

Download our annual State of MSK Care report to learn how digital platforms are revolutionizing PT.
Member feeling the relief of Hinge Health program from her health plan

Proven solutions to meet your clients’ needs

Everything consultants need to improve musculoskeletal (MSK) outcomes. Built around your client’s benefits strategy.

Member feeling the relief of Hinge Health program from her health plan

We are transforming the way pain is treated

An MSK solution that gets members moving, keeps them moving — and reduces client costs.⁴ ⁵ ⁶

Proven results. Trusted by your clients' partners.

Help your clients get their members moving beyond pain
Rigorously vetted by your clients’ partners

Simple implementation with 50+ health plan, PBM, and TPA partners. Maximize benefits with full ecosystem integration.

Industry-leading and clinically validated results

Sustained pain reduction across a 10,000+ participant study and multiple long-term studies. Hard dollar savings across three independently validated claims studies.¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶

Loved by members and clients

Rated #1 digital MSK app. Available to more than 18 million members.

Benefits that keep members moving

See what Hinge Health can do for you and your clients