Fall Prevention Hero Image

Fall Prevention

Help prevent common, costly, and dangerous falls for older adults.

Fall Prevention Hero Image

As we age, falling becomes more common — and more dangerous.

Improving balance, strength, and mobility are keys to keeping older adults on their feet.

1 in 4 people

aged 65+ report a fall each year¹

$101B by 2030

The projected cost of treating falls⁵

#1 source of injury

is falling for older adults⁴

Watch how we reduce pain, falls, and costs.

Watch how we reduce pain, falls, and costs.

A movement-based, personalized approach to Fall Prevention

reduction in falls over 9 weeks

the cost of fall-related injuries each year²

3.3x ROI
 in third-party analysis of Medicare members³

Help prevent common, costly, and dangerous falls for older adults