Mike's Hinge Health Member Story

My Hinge Health Member Story: Mike

Mike shares how, after years of back pain, he found lasting relief through Hinge Health’s exercise therapy, allowing him to reclaim his daily activities and enjoy life with less pain.

Published Date: Nov 13, 2024
Mike's Hinge Health Member Story

Hinge Health is a new kind of digital clinic for joint and muscle pain — one built around members, their lives, and their needs. And it’s backed by life-changing outcomes and real savings.

Here, meet Hinge Health member Mike, who struggled with persistent lower back pain for years. In this video and interview, Mike shares how he overcame his pain and got back to enjoying yard work, projects around the house, and taking road trips with confidence.  Learn more here about how Hinge Health can help your organization or to request a demo.

Mike’s Story: How 10 Minutes of Exercise a Day Helped Me Regain Control

Mike’s Story: How 10 Minutes of Exercise a Day Helped Me Regain Control

Fifteen years ago, Mike was caught off guard by sudden lower back pain. It wasn’t just discomfort. It was sharp and persistent, flaring up whenever he sat down or stood up. The pain stuck with him for weeks. “It was enough that I started reconsidering basic activities. I would ask myself, ‘Do I really need to get up for this drink of water?’ because I knew I was going to have pain when I stood up,” he recalls.

Then he turned to chiropractic care. “It helped to some degree, but the discomfort kept resurfacing. I’d feel better for a bit, and then the pain would creep back.”

Trying Something New 

“When my pain started influencing what I chose to do during the day — whether I would garden or go for a walk with my wife or go to the movies — I knew there needed to be a change,” Mike says. “And Hinge Health provided a really good way for me to take control of that.” 

Once he started his exercise therapy, he noticed a significant change in how he felt. His exercises weren’t just helping his back — they were strengthening his entire body. 

“It surprised me how quickly I saw improvement. It took about three weeks before I noticed that the effects of my chiropractic adjustments were lasting longer and longer. And then there was a point when I realized, ‘Oh, my next chiropractor appointment is coming up, and it doesn't feel like they're going to have much to adjust.’” As Mike continued with his exercise therapy, the benefits extended beyond short-term relief.

Life with Less Pain 

Now, Mike is living without pain most days. He can tackle yard projects without worrying about his back and take longer road trips with his wife. “We can just hop in the car and drive to the Oregon coast, which is about a six-hour trip. That used to seem really daunting,” he says. “Now I can go on those trips without worrying that the bed that I'm sleeping on will cause me back pain because it's different from the one I normally sleep on.” 

‘What I Want Others to Know’ 

Mike's experience with Hinge Health helped him realize that there is a way to invest a little time and get a lot of time back later. “It's given me tools to make sure that I can spend hours and days doing other things without allocating those hours to things like corrective treatment or chiropractic care,” he says. “It really is a way to invest in yourself, and it pays huge dividends.”