Editorial Policy

Our unique approach to content

Along with exercise therapy and personalized support, education helps Hinge Health members reduce pain, get back to doing what they love, and live a healthy lifestyle. But people can learn about pain, musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions, and healthy lifestyle changes everywhere — from the Mayo Clinic to TikTok. What makes Hinge Health’s education content different? 

  1. We put movement first. Our content emphasizes that healing happens mostly by moving, not resting. We aim to teach and motivate to embrace movement to get healthier and stronger.

  2. We know that pain is personal. We help you learn about pain and provide strategies and tips to help your recovery. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach. We take care not to imply that “pain is all in your head.” We help you understand the many factors that contribute to your pain and ability to cope with it.

  3. We emphasize can over can’t. It is disempowering to focus on what’s “wrong” and what you “shouldn’t” do when you have pain or an injury. Anatomical and structural changes may be a part of a person’s pain story, but we place more emphasis on modifiable risk factors people can control. We encourage people to engage in meaningful activities because they are capable. We help people understand how doing activities they enjoy can make them stronger and more adaptable, even when pain comes and goes.

  4. We reframe misconceptions. Pain is always due to tissue damage. Rest is best. My pain won’t improve without surgery. Bad posture is causing my pain. Everyone gets incontinence after having a baby. Falling is a normal part of aging. Commonly held misconceptions can affect your ability to move past pain and other symptoms. We challenge these misconceptions (with accessible research and empathetic clinical wisdom) to help you see things differently.

  5. We know movement is key for a holistic healthy lifestyle. A movement-first lifestyle doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Stress, sleep, nutrition, smoking, and social relationships all affect how you move, and your movement habits affect your other lifestyle behaviors. Therefore, our educational content also covers lifestyle medicine topics, but through a movement-centric lens. 

  6. We know small changes lead to big results. Just as you don't run a marathon after one training session or master a subject by reading a single book, achieving a larger goal requires small, day-to-day changes that compound over time and yield noticeable progress. Behavior change research tells us that people need constant support and inspiration to make movement (and Hinge Health) a habit. Our behavior change-focused content provides these inspirational moments so people feel renewed and motivated to keep moving and work on their habits and goals.

  7. We are science-based but approachable. Our content is grounded in current, high-quality scientific research, but we use easy-to-understand language and a warm, conversational tone. We evaluate our content’s readability and aim for a 5th to 8th grade reading level. We include references to show the credibility of our messages/claims and allow members to dig deeper and explore primary sources. We leverage our many on-staff experts — including physical therapists, medical doctors, surgeons, nurse practitioners, and board-certified health coaches — to provide advice that is trustworthy, authentic, reassuring, and useful.

Editorial integrity

Hinge Health prides itself on the integrity of its content, which is carefully curated and created by our staff. We do not accept advertising from outside sources. All education content on the Hinge Health website is evidence-based and designed to provide readers with reliable information and resources to help improve their health and well-being. 

Content creation process

Hinge Health follows a rigorous content creation process to ensure that all the information published on our website is accurate and evidence-based.

All content is written by Hinge Health staff or independent freelance medical writers. We use only trusted sources in our reporting, including medical journals, university and government websites, and interviews with our Hinge Health medical experts. The sources used for every article are listed at the bottom of the page.

Staff editors as well as our internal expert clinical and medical reviewers are involved in the editing process of our articles. Our goal is always to translate medical information so that it is accurate, trustworthy, understandable, and useful to a diverse audience of people looking to improve their musculoskeletal pain and live a healthy lifestyle.

Content for employers, health plans, and providers

Our business-to-business (B2B) articles are created by Hinge Health’s content marketing editors and experienced freelance writers.

This content is intended to provide decision-makers with accurate information they can use to better understand today’s wellness benefits landscape, as well as the personal and business impact of MSK conditions and care.

All B2B content includes an attribution list. All references are required to be peer-reviewed journals, reputable industry organizations and leaders, and other trusted sources. This includes Hinge Health staff with expertise in the medical and digital care fields, the contributions of whom are specifically called out in article text.

As with other Hinge Health content, articles written for our B2B audience are free from advertising and advertiser influence. Usage of an information source should in no way be considered an expression of partnership or endorsement.

The information we provide does not constitute medical advice or treatment for any specific condition. Please consult with your healthcare provider with any questions you may have about your medical condition or treatment.